Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pengakuan Karima El Mahrough, Gadis ABG Yang Dikabarkan ML Dengan PM Berlusconi

Karima El Mahrough
"I am featuring sensual dance Belly-dancing for the prime minister, I also rolled the top of my shirt so that the stomach can be seen."

"But there also is a model and pretty girl and that night they performed naked. Some couples start dancing with a sexy, very close and featuring performances lesbian."

"I sat next to the prime minister and his friends. Only their brother and they undergo a great night."

"I was initially not told where the party which we will go, but friends said I should look elegant."

"Upon arriving, he said that if the host is the prime minister's party and I was shocked. But when I reached the door, she came to me and say I'm very pretty."

"He said I had good legs and sensual lips. He then took me into his office and asked if I had a family problem. Then he gave money." When opened it was 7000 euros.

Karima El Mahrough